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شامبو Visbuen Detox Effective 12 الطبيعي الفعال والمنقي والمرمم والواقي الخالي من الملح
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طريقة استخدام الشامبو: ضعي الرغوة جيدًا على الشعر الرطب ودلكي. اتركيه لمدة 2-3 دقائق، ثم اشطفيه وكرري الإجراء.
يزيل البقايا والأوساخ والسموم التي تشكلت على بصيلات الشعر بسبب الإجراءات والإجهاد، ويوفر الرطوبة التي يحتاجها الشعر ويفتح المسام.
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يتم فتح قيعان الشعر والبراعم الموجودة في أطراف الشعر، مما يضمن أن الإجراء التالي الذي تقوم به على شعرك سيعطي نتائج رائعة.
بفضل محتواه المُعد بعناية، فإنه لا يترك شعورًا بالبقايا والثقل والشحوم على الشعر.
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عرض المزيد












Kozmetik, Saç Bakımı, Şampuan


Visbuen Detox Effective 12 Natural Active Purifying Repairing and Preserving After Treatment Salt-Free Shampoo


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Visbuen Detox Effective 12 Natural Active Purifying Repairing & Protective Salt-Free Shampoo
It contains natural plant extracts, oils and vitamins. (Eucalyptus, Bay Leaf, Nettle, Green Tea, Mint Leaf, Violet Oil, Lavender Oil, Aloe Vera, Lemon Tree Leaf, Parsley Extract, Cinemaki Grass and Provamin B5)
How to use shampoo: Foam thoroughly on damp hair, massaging. Leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse and repeat the procedure.
It removes residue, dirt and toxins formed on the hair follicles due to procedures and stress, provides the moisture that the hair needs and opens pores.
Helps remove harmful toxins and substances from hair follicles and strands
Purifies the deposits formed due to stress, air pollution and process.
It repairs the wear resulting from heat treatment, styling, paint and so on.
Opening the clogged scalp and root, it gives freshness and is good for itching.
It slows down hair whitening, prevents the formation of dandruff and breakages.
The hair bottoms and buds at the ends of the hair are opened, which ensures that the next procedure you do on your hair will give great results.
With its carefully prepared content, it does not leave a feeling of residue, heaviness and greasiness on the hair.
No more than 10 pieces of this product can be ordered. Trendyol reserves the right to cancel orders over 10 pieces.
More than 100 stocks are offered for sale at the campaign price.
A product can be sold by multiple sellers. Sellers of products offered for sale by multiple vendors are sorted according to the price they set for the product, seller ratings, delivery status, promotions on products, whether cargo is free and whether products can be delivered with fast delivery, stock and categories of products information.


23 days




20 days

شامبو Visbuen Detox Effective 12 الطبيعي الفعال لتنقية البشرة وترميمها والحفاظ عليها بعد المعالجة، خالٍ من الملح

6.63 كيدو

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