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نقدم لكم سوار ساعة بورودو iGuard المصنوع من السيليكون، وهو مناسب تمامًا لسلسلة ساعات Apple Watch 4/5/6/7/SE. هذا السوار مصنوع من مادة السيليكون الناعمة عالية الجودة، وهو مريح للارتداء ويمنع تهيج الجلد أو الحساسية. كما أنها مقاومة للماء، مما يجعلها مناسبة لأي ظروف جوية، بما في ذلك الأمطار الغزيرة. السوار قابل للتعديل، مما يضمن ملاءمة مثالية لأي حجم معصم.

هذا السوار البسيط سهل التنظيف ويمكن تثبيته وإلغاء تثبيته بسهولة. يأتي في مجموعة متنوعة من الألوان، بما في ذلك الأسود والرمادي الرياضي والأحمر الوردي والأبيض والأزرق الجليدي والصبار، مما يسمح لك باختيار لونك المثالي أو مطابقته مع ملابسك.

يتميز سوار ساعة Porodo iGuard المصنوع من السيليكون بخفة الوزن، حيث يزن 35 جرامًا فقط، مما يجعله مناسبًا لكل من الرجال والنساء، بما في ذلك المراهقين والأطفال. تصميمها المريح ومظهرها العصري يجعلانها هدية ممتازة لأي شخص يريد أن يكون فريدًا.

بالمقارنة مع سوار غرين ليون إيليت المصنوع من السيليكون المزود بحزام أنيق، يبلغ وزن سوار ساعة بورودو آي جارد المصنوع من السيليكون نصف الوزن، مما يجعله أكثر راحة في الارتداء. كلا السوارين متوافقان مع ساعة أبل 42/44/45 مم ومقاومان للماء. ومع ذلك، فإن سوار ساعة Porodo iGuard المصنوع من السيليكون قابل للتعديل، مما يجعله مناسبًا بشكل أفضل لأي حجم معصم.










Women, Watches, Watchbands


Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band Compatible For Apple Watch 42/44/45mm


Technical Specifications
Product iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band
Brand Porodo
Compatibility Apple Watch 42/44/45mm
SmartWatch Compatible Mode Apple Watch Series 4/5/6/7/SE
Band Material Silicone Loop
What's in the box One Sport Silicone Watch Band
Quantity 1 pcs
Dimensions 19 x 3 x 0.5 cm
Weight 35 Grams
Available Colors Black, Sport Gray, Rose Red, White, Ice Blue, Cactus
Adjustable Straps Yes
Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band

Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band has been crafted with comfortable material which is Silicone Loop that your skin will love due to this material prevent skin irritations or any kind of skin allergy, so no worry, use and enjoy, shine. It will perfectly fit any hand; this Apple watch is made of high-quality material and a perfect design with a luxury look. The Porodo iGuard Sport Silicone Loop Watch Band has been made by the soft Silicone material which gave unbelievable sense to your skin while you are using this glamorous watch band. It is safe, waterproof. so can rely on it and be sure that this watch band is going to work for you for many years exactly same as the first day that you bought, like an old friend, because of the long-lasting opportunity. Porodo iGuard Watch Band is compatible with Watch Series 4/5/6/7/SE.This band is Water resistant so you can easily wear it while you want to go running or gym in any weather conditions even in the heavy rain.

This Band is suitable for women, and it is excellent band construction that endures daily wear and tear. That's one benefit of this band. Be sure, there is no doubt that this watch band is going to be fit to your hand because of its Adjustable Straps which helps you use it to increase or decrease the sizes to finally be as fit as possible to your wrist.

As you can see in the Technical Specifications the weight of Porodo iGuard Leather Loop Watch Band is just 35 grams which prove it is enough light for both genders, men, and women. Experience the pure comfort and easy usage by this watch band, even this product is suitable for teenagers and kids. Excellent gift for anyone you love and want to be unique.

Ergonomic design
Adjustable Straps
Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band

Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band compatible with all Apple Watch series 42/44/45 mm sizes. Shine like a diamond by using this luxury watch band. Its Silicone Loop material makes it more glamorous. The strap is made of high-quality soft silicone material, which is safe, waterproof.


Easily be installed/uninstalled

You can call this model „Minimalist’’ and it’s for a reason. This very simple Silicone Loop Sport Band is easy to clean, easy to wear, and is water-proof. It is from a super sleek material. It can easily be installed and uninstalled, so it is not a problem to pop it off after sports activities just to replace it with different straps.

Different Color Option

This product has been manufactured with different variations in color aspect and lets you have wide range opportunity for choosing your ideal color or if you mind to buy several of them and change them once in a while or set with clothes for any kind of ceremony. The colors are Black, Sport Gray, Rose Red, White, Ice Blue, Cactus. As you have been noticed, this product comes in different rare colors.

Fascinating Design

The best Apple Watch bands for swimming have a lot in common with straps for working out. They're lightweight and comfortable while also being waterproof so you don't have to worry about them falling apart during your swim. Again, breathability is everything, but you'll want to be able to wear them out of the pool too.

Porodo iGuard Silicone Loop Watch Band Green Lion Elite Silicone with Style Strap
Band Material Silicone Silicone
Weight 35g 65g
Compatibility Apple Watch 42/44/45mm Apple Watch 42/44/45mm
Water proof ✓ ✓
Size Compatibility 42/44/45mm 42/44/45mm


20 days




12 days

سوار سيليكون دائري لساعة أبل 42/44/45 مم من بورودو iGuard.

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