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Freakin’ Healthy هي علامة تجارية تهدف إلى جعل الوجبات الخفيفة الصحية في متناول الجميع، بما في ذلك أولئك الذين قد يشعرون بالخوف من الحركة الصحية. لدغات زبدة البندق الخاصة بهم نباتية تمامًا وخالية من الغلوتين والقمح والبيض ومنتجات الألبان. هذه اللدغات المصنوعة من رحيق جوز الهند وزبدة الكاكاو وبروتين البازلاء وزيت البندق وحبوب الفانيليا الطبيعية ليست لذيذة فحسب، بل تعزز أيضًا ضغط الدم الصحي واكتساب العضلات. المكسرات المستخدمة في عملية التصنيع حقيقية بنسبة 100٪ ومطبوخة في بيئة صحية. تقدم Freakin’ Healthy أيضًا Raspberry Fruity Stars Jelly، وهو نباتي وخالي من الغلوتين والقمح والبيض ومنتجات الألبان. تمتلئ هذه الجيلي بمركزات الفاكهة والبكتين وألياف الحمضيات لضمان تناول البروتين والفيتامينات على قدم المساواة. يعتبر Raw Chocolate Bar وجبة خفيفة نباتية أخرى خالية من الغلوتين والقمح والبيض ومنتجات الألبان. يحتوي على البروتينات والعناصر الغذائية الأساسية لتعزيز الصحة البدنية والعقلية، مع عدم إضافة أي جرام من السكر. أخيرًا، تعتبر Chili Lime Nuts وجبة خفيفة مقرمشة ومنعشة مصنوعة من اللوز المحمص والفول السوداني والكاجو المغطى بالفلفل الحار والليمون. إنها خالية من الغلوتين بشكل طبيعي وخالية من المواد الحافظة. يمكن طلب جميع منتجات Freakin’ Healthy عبر الإنترنت وتسليمها مباشرة إلى عتبة داركم.










Snacks & Sweets, Chocolate, Bars


Freakin Healthy Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Bites (4 Bites Inside) 80G, Gluten Free, Vegan And Healthy Raw Chocolate Snacks



The health movement has reached the Middle East, but it comes with an elitist badge that alienates the majority. Freakin’ Healthy is targeting the many who have the intention to choose healthier options, yet are intimidated by the choices because they don’t understand them. There is a need for a brand that doesn’t get categorized as “hipster food”, and invites even the hardest of cynics because it talks their language.

Freakin' Healthy Hazelnut Butter Bites, 80g

Our products are completely vegan and do not contain gluten, wheat, eggs or any dairy. You have a team of the best chefs in UAE preparing the healthiest of snacks with same taste if not better?
Coconut nectar, cocoa butter, pea protein, hazelnut oil, and natural vanilla helps to gain muscles. the pea protein promotes healthy blood pressure, it helps to lower chances of heart attacks.
Hazelnut, coconut and almond in the making of this product. All of the nuts used for the manufacturing of this snack are 100% real and cooked in a hygienic environment to ensure your health safety.
We don't need any unnatural thing to make our products tasty and suit your high health standards. So, throw all your worries in the bin, because freakin' healthy is at your service.
Don't worry if you feel lazy to get out of your bed and go to a store to fulfil your cravings, because freakin' healthy will come to your doorstep. Just like other products.

Freakin' Healthy Raspberry Fruity Stars Jelly, 21 g

These jellies are as vegan as they can be. These treats do not use any gluten, wheat, eggs, or any dairy products in their products. No worries, your vegan values are always safe and acknowledged by us.
Our fruity jelly is filled with fruits concentrates along with pectin and citrus fiber. These ingredients make sure your protein and vitamins are up to the mark and ensure healthy body function.
We at Freakin’ Healthy make snacks that contain 100% healthy ingredients only. These fruity jellies are added refined sugar free, so eat as much as you want.
We have made these snacks such that you can store them for a long time. This has surprisingly been achieved without any preservatives.

Freakin' Healthy Raw Chocolate Bar, 40g

We succeeded! These vegan snacks do not contain any Gluten, wheat, eggs, or any other dairy additives. This way we make sure your vegan values are held up high, just like our pride for our healthy snacks.
This snack is filled with essential proteins, and nutrients to make sure your physical and mental health is catered, with an encouraged growth of your muscles, bones, and tissues.
Our added refined sugar free snacks are here to make sure that sugar never touches you. Hence, our raw chocolate contains literally zero grams of sugar so there are no compromises with your health.
All our products are absolutely natural and do not contain any preservatives, food coloring, artificial flavors or any synthetic additives for that matter. Enjoy the true flavors.
All you need to do is visit our online shop Freakin’ Healthy and order away, anytime, anywhere and we will have it delivered to your doorstep in no time.

Freakin' Healthy Chili Lime Nuts, 60 g

The crunchiness of roasted almonds and peanuts combined with cashews covered with chili and lime gives you a unique tangy flavor that is bound to dumbstruck your palate.
Chili and Lime Nuts come in a convenient packaging and an ample serving size so that your hunger is satisfied as you pick our healthy snack on the way to your office, school, or gym!
Lime and Chili covered cashew nuts provide you with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that will improve your digestive system thus making you beautiful inside out.
As you start munching on this flavorsome snack, there is no stopping yourself from getting more of these nuts.
Lime and Chili covered Nuts are naturally gluten-free with no added preservatives because, who needs it, when you have the most refined ingredients prepared with the most delicious recipes!


22 days




14 days

لدغات زبدة الفول السوداني بالشوكولاتة الخام الصحية (4 قطع) – 80 جم، خالية من الغلوتين، وجبة خفيفة نباتية.

4.50 كيدو

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